Date(s) - 06/27/2015 - 06/28/2015
12:00 am
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Jornada Research Institute has scheduled the next weekend of investigations at Sevilleta Pueblo for Saturday/Sunday, June 27/28. This will be a continuation of wall-tracing at the San Luis Obispo convento at Sevilleta Pueblo. In addition, work will be expanded to include the first excavation tests inside the convento area.
The convento was built ca. 1627/28, damaged in the Pueblo Revolt, and burnt by Spanish troops in late 1681. It is the only Piro mission in the Rio Grande Valley to survive on the ground.
Participation is free to Jornada Research Institute members. See our Membership page if you wish to become a member or Donate to our efforts. Thank you in advance for your interest and support.
See also for pictures and updates.