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Date(s) - 09/14/2021
All Day


The Jornada Research Institute will be offering a one-day training seminar in the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA), via ZOOM, on Tuesday. September 14th. This seminar will provide attendees with an understanding of the historical factors that led to the passage of NAGPRA, the provisions and stipulations involved in the NAGPRA process, and case studies in human remains excavations and analysis, inadvertent discovery, consultation and criminal activity. This training will count hour-per-hour credit for New Mexico’s Historic Preservation Division’s requirement for continuing education credit. Cost is 80.00 per attendee, 70.00 for students and Jornada Research Institute members. For syllabus and registration forms please contact with questions, or phone 817-658-5544.