The Jornada Research Institute is pleased to advertise 5 training workshops for cultural resource management professionals.

1) Looting and vandalism of archaeological sites and the Archaeological Resources Protection Act. This two day workshop will consist of classroom and field components.

Cost: $190.00 per attendee; $180.00 for JRI members; $180.00 for students.
Location: Unless otherwise specified, training will be held in Albuquerque, NM.
Topics to be covered include:

  • The nature and extent of looting and vandalism in the United States.
  • How to identify and record site damage.
  • Overview of the Archaeological Resources Protection Act and related legislation.
  • Discussion of specific cases and moral and ethical considerations.
  • A field exercise in site damage recordation

2) The Historic Preservation Act (including Sections 106 and 110). This is a two-day workshop.

It will be useful to CRM professionals employed by tribal governments, state and federal agencies, archaeologists in the private sector, site-stewards, and interested public. This two day workshop will consist of classroom presentations, discussions, and exercises.

Cost: $190.00 per attendee; $180.00 for JRI members; $180.00 for students.
Location: Unless otherwise specified, training will be held in Albuquerque, NM.
Topics to be covered include:

  • Historical context of antiquities legislation leading to the National Historic Preservation Act.
  • Overview of NHPA and its major provisions
  • Working with Sections 110 and 106
  • National Register eligibility
  • Data recovery plans
  • Traditional cultural properties

3) Condition Assessment for Archaeologists.The purpose of this one-day workshop will be to instruct attendees on the importance of conducting detailed and comparable site condition assessments for data management and treatment purposes, and to provide them with a methodological tool to achieve those goals. The course will consist of two parts: part one will consist of a morning in-class session of the presentation of condition assessment concepts, methods and examples; part two will consist of a field application of the condition assessment methodology on an archaeological site. The class session will cover identifying and measuring various risk factors with examples provided. The field session will employ a condition assessment recording tool to measure and identify risk and risk ranking.

Cost: $80.00 per attendee; $70.00 for JRI members; $70.00 for students.
Location: Unless otherwise specified, training will be held in Albuquerque, NM.

4) Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act. This one-day training class will provide attendees with an understanding of the historical factors that led to the passage of NAGPRA, the provisions and stipulations involved in the NAGPRA process, and cases studies in human remains excavations and analysis, inadvertent discovery, consultation and criminal activity.

Cost: $80.00 per attendee; $70.00 for JRI members; $70.00 for students.

Location: Unless otherwise specified, training will be held in Albuquerque, NM.

5) Training in the use of unmanned aircraft systems. Jornada Research Institute

(JRI) and Emery Riddle Aeronautical University (ERAU) are excited to offer training in the use of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) (the use of Drones for collecting data) remote sensing. This training has been approved by the NMSHPO for continuing education credits (CEC) for permitting purposes for those who need additional CEC units. This training will be a two-day class

These courses will count as an hour-per-hour credit for those seeking HPD continuing education credit for permit renewals in New Mexico.

We plan to offer these workshops annually, either in the spring or fall, depending on level of interest.

Cost per attendee = Cost will vary based on location of training. (JRI members receive 10% discount)

NOTE: If you are an agency or institution that conducts business electronically for which we are providing a service, you must go through the “donate” process. To do this click the “Donate” button on the Home page and fill out the form. We will send you a purchase order or an invoice to verify that your payment is for services rendered.

To request more information, please write to:


P.O. BOX 684


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